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How Product Videos Increase Your Sales

Product Video Production

They say a picture’s worth a thousand words. Well, a video featuring your product could be worth a thousand sales. Maybe even more. And that’s no exaggeration.

Product videos simply reach customers in ways that other mediums can’t. Try as I might, I don’t remember the last time a magazine ad leapt off the page and talked to me. And people don’t read much anyway. 

Video interacts and imbeds the ideas it espouses in peoples’ ears and brains. Done properly, it can be your best salesman giving your best pitch over and over again. 

But how does it work? Why does it work? Is it important to know?

Of course it is. 

The biggest companies in the world use product videos. Which begs the question: How does a video motivate people to fork over their hard-earned money for what you offer?

#1: Video Promotes the Value of Your Brand

Product videos and brand videos may not be exactly the same, but they’re used in similar ways. Even though product videos focus on a particular product, they build brand awareness at the same time. An old writing cliche says, “Show, don’t tell.” A product video shows people how your product will make their lives better. This proof, not idle talk, is what makes people believe that your company is worth doing business with. 

#2: Video Simplifies Complicated Concepts

Have you ever been confused after reading the instructions of a game, only to have your confusion cleared up as you played? Using video to explain a product or service to your audience is a million times easier and more effective than instructions that blather on and leave them bewildered. If people know how your product works, they’re infinitely more likely to buy it. 

#3: Video Increases SEO

To many people, search engine optimization (SEO) is the boogeyman of marketing – a myth that only delusional fools believe in. But SEO is all too real, and it’s necessary. And video can help. A lot. Simply put, Google loves video content. If it could, Google would put a white dress on video content and walk it down the aisle. The proof? Companies that use video on their website get over 40% more traffic than those who don’t. 

#4: Video Reaches Mobile Users

People are going all the time, and they’re attached at the hip (quite literally sometimes) with their phones when they’re out. Some studies have shown that about 90% of retail purchases are done on mobile devices. The devices that people use are de facto storefronts – so it only makes sense to promote your products with mobile users in mind. 

#5: Video Connects With Customers

Short of sending a handwritten letter, it’s hard to think of a better way to show you care about the problems your customers face every day. Through a video, it’s easy to show them how your product solves their problem. The only good reason to buy anything from anyone is if they offer something that will change your life for the better. 

Lights, Camera, Conversion

If you don’t want to sell your product or service, don’t hire a corporate video production company to make a product video. If you hire a competent and experienced company to make one, you will sell more. Probably a lot more. The data is in. People may not read much anymore. But they watch videos. You might as well give them something worth watching.